Brian D. Smith
Brian D. Smith is a Certified Grief Educator, Positive Intelligence Coach, and Life Purpose Coach, dedicated to helping people rediscover their true nature and purpose. After the passing of his daughter, Shayna, at the age of 15, in 2015, Brian deepened his study of death and the afterlife, which he had been exploring for nearly two decades. Since Shayna's passing, he has made it his mission to support others dealing with loss, and to help people rediscover who they are and why they are here. Brian is also the host of the Grief 2 Growth podcast, author of Grief2Growth: Planted, Not Buried, and of his new book, GEMS of Healing, and actively serves on the board of Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting parents whose children have passed. Through his work, Brian aims to create a world where everyone can find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment, even in the face of grief.